
Agenda for the Full Council meeting to he held on 23rd July 2024

Agendas Uploaded on July 17, 2024

Buckland Monachorum Parish Council

Clerk: Mrs Katharine Griffiths, 5 Hillside Close, Buckland Monachorum, PL20 7EQ  Ÿ   Ÿ  Tel: 01822 855889


To:  All Members of Buckland Monachorum Parish Council


You are summoned to attend a meeting of Buckland Monachorum Parish Council on tuesday 23RD jULY 2024 at 7.00pm at Milton Combe Village Hall for the purpose of transacting the business detailed below.

In accordance with The Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, members of the public and press are welcome to attend.

Members of the public are invited to make representations in writing to their local Councillor OR the Clerk OR in person prior to the commencement of the meeting proper.


Signed:            K Griffiths               (Parish Clerk)                                                    Date:  17th July 2024




  1. Members present.
  2. Declaration of Interests and Register of Interests.
  3. To consider co-option.
  4. To consider and approve the minutes, of the following meeting:
    • The meeting of the parish council held on 25th June 2024
  5. To receive a report from the WDBC Cllrs for this ward (Cllr Cheadle & Cllr Cunningham)
  6. To receive a report from the Devon County Councillor (Cllr Sanders)
  7. To discuss the possibility of Twinning the parish (Cllr Coulshaw)


  1. To re-consider the following application.
    • DNPA 0283/24 – Change of use of agricultural land to part agricultural and part equestrian use together with the erection of stables /tack room and the formation of a surfaced yard area (all retrospective) and the proposed erection of hay store /welfare space at Land adjacent to Binkham Farm, Dousland Road, Yelverton, PL20 6JH


  1. To agree the payments for July 2024 and note the receipts.
  2. To note the bank reconciliation.
  3. To agree to delegate spending powers to the clerk and chair for the August regular payments.

General Purposes

  1. To consider a tree survey for a number of trees on parish owned land.
  2. To consider purchasing a new battery for Milton Combe Defibrillator.


  1. Grass cutting contract – any issues to report.


  1. Grass cutting contract – any issues to report.
  2. To discuss the Parish Meadow cutting regime. (Cllr Cornthwaite)


  1. Buckland Monachorum update
    • To consider the quotes and agree the contractor for the replacement swings and accessible entrance.
  2. Crapstone Playpark and wildlife area update.
    • Update with regard to the installation of the new play equipment.
  3. To discuss the possibility of a dog walking area within the Crapstone Field. (Cllr Hart)
  4. To discuss the possibility of further action regarding the reinstatement of Crapstone Field following building work.

General and Correspondence

  1. Correspondence
  2. BMPC Communications (newsletters, social media, press articles)
  3. Update on Parish paths (P3) and other footpath matters. (Cllr Woollacott)
  4. Highway matters: any to be reported and updates.
  5. Items for the next agenda
  6. Future Meeting Dates

Wed 14th August Planning committee at 7.30pm Buckland Monachorum Village Hall

Tuesday 27th August Planning Committee at 7.30pm Clearbrook Village Hall