
Agenda for the Planning Meeting on 28th January 25

Agendas Uploaded on January 22, 2025

Buckland Monachorum Parish Council

Clerk: Mrs Katharine Griffiths,    Ÿ   Email:    Ÿ   Tel: 01822 855889


To:          All Members of the Planning Committee


You are summoned to attend a meeting of the PLANNING COMMITTEE of Buckland Monachorum Parish Council on Tuesday 28th January 2025 at 7.00PM for the purpose of transacting the business detailed below.

The meeting will be held at Clearbrook Community Hall.

In accordance with The Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, members of the public and press are welcome to attend. Members of the public can make representations at the meeting (in accordance with Council’s public participation policy) or in writing to the relevant Local Planning Authority with copies to the Parish Council.



Prior to the meeting, please view all plans etc. pertaining to new applications and decisions via or


Signed: K Griffiths (Parish Clerk) Date:  21st January 2025


  1. Apologies
  2. Declaration of Interests
  3. Items of General Correspondence and Planning Matters.
  4. Planning Applications: ­­­­
Application Number Proposal
DNPA 450/24 Infill of existing car port, and conversion of garage into bedroom with new insulated flat roof at Wilderbank, Meavy Bourne, Yelverton, Devon, PL20 6AR
DNPA 0425/24 Erection of a detached local-needs custom-build dwelling at Midway, Tavistock Road, Yelverton,

PL20 6DL (Amended Application)

WDBC 2936/24/FUL READVERTISED (Additional plans published) Retrospective application for construction of partial first floors in Units L3, L4 & L5 for ancillary floorspace & minor external alterations (not retrospective) to Unit L5 including insertion of windows at first floor & reduced roller shutter

Land East Of Yelverton Business Park, Yelverton Business Park, Crapstone

WDBC 0087/25/TPO T1: Lime – Re-pollard tree crown all over to previous pollard points (removing approximately 1.5 metres of growth) & then request continued consent to manage the tree on a cyclic basis of 3-4 years

Tree is causing excessive shading to 3 properties. residue from leaves coats vehicles that park below. leaf matter from tree causes driveways on both sides to become slippery. a resident on the neighbour’s side has very specific accessibility needs which autumnal debris hinders.

Rookery Nook 9 Woodside Terrace Crapstone PL20 7PL

WDBC 3479/24/HHO Householder application for proposed siting of ancillary accommodation at Haxter Barn, Buckland Monachorum, PL20 7NW


  1. Planning decisions:
P.A No. Details BMPC Comment Planning Auth Comment
WDBC 3439/24/FUL Extension to existing buggy store at Yelverton Golf Club, Golf Links Road, Yelverton, PL20 6BN No Objection Approved
WDBC 2415/24/HHO                Householder application for a single storey extension to the rear & side elevation & replacement windows to existing shopfront 2a Lisbon Villas Road From Knighton To The Angle Crapstone PL20 7PH No Objection Approved
WDBC 3337/24/FUL Installation of 54 Ground Mounted Solar Panels at Lower Grenofen, Grenofen, PL19 9ES Support Approved



  1. Date of future meetings

Wed 12th February, Planning committee at 7.00pm followed by General Purposes at Yelverton Memorial Hall.