Minutes of a Meeting of the BUCKLAND MONACHORUM PARISH COUNCIL held
on Tuesday 19th December 2023 at 7.00pm at Clearbrook Village Hall
Present: Cllrs, R Cheadle, A Cunningham, S Woollacott, V Hart, A West, K Cornthwaite, J Burnie and Frayne Coulshaw.
In Attendance: Katharine Griffiths (Parish Clerk)
The meeting was opened by Cllr A Cunningham (Vice-Chair).
423/23 | Apologies
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllrs, M Sheridan and G Baird. |
424/23 | Declaration of Interests and Register of Interests
No declarations of interests to record. |
425/23 | To consider and approve the minutes, of the following meetings:
a. The parish council meeting held on 28th November 2023 b. The minutes of the planning meeting held on 28th November 2023 These have been circulated and were agreed as a true record. |
426/23 | To receive a report from the WDBC Cllrs for this ward
Cllrs Cheadle gave a brief update. WDBC have opposed the Devon County Council proposal for on street parking charges in Tavistock. |
427/23 | To receive a report from the Devon County Councillor
Cllr Sanders was not present. |
428/23 | Buckland Monachorum Village Hall (BMVH) Centenary Revival Project (Cllr Burnie)
Cllr Burnie explained that the village hall is in need of improvements and repairs, the village hall committee are looking at getting a feasibility study carried out. However the cost could be about £10,000. The hall committee are seeking any suggestions of where they may obtain assistance. Cllr Cheadle gave details of a fund that may be applied for through WDBC. The clerk suggested that the contact Devon Communities Together who may be able to help and suggest further ideas. |
429/23 |
To note that the damage to the roundabout following an accident has been reported to DCC Highways and also to Maristow Estates. This was noted, Cllr Woollacott suggested that DCC Cllr Sanders was contacted enquiring about repairs. |
Buckland/Cemetery: | |||||||||||||||||||||
430/23 | Grounds Maintenance – to agree the tender.
The tender was discussed, it has been broken down into three separate tenders. It will be initially for 2 years, with the option to extend if both parties happy. There were a few other amendments, the clerk will make the necessary changes and circulate with the plan. |
431/23 | To consider the quotes for the replacement fence adjoining the Green Burial Area.
Three quotes have been obtained by Cllr Woollacott of varying costs. Cllr Cornthwaite would like to obtain one further quote. Once this has been obtained the final decision will be made. |
Playparks: | |||||||||||||||||||||
432/23 | Buckland Monachorum Playpark
Cllr Woollacott requested that funding for the playpark be put on the next full agenda. |
433/23 | Crapstone Playpark and recreational area update.
Cllr Woollacott passed a letter to the WDBC councillors concerning the S106 funding and how it is allocated. |
a) To agree the payments for December 2023 and note the receipts. The payments below were agreed, and the receipts noted.
The following payments made since the last meeting were NOTED.
b) To note the bank reconciliation and receipts. The bank reconciliation will be circulated the following receipts were noted. c) Receipts noted. Cemetery: £150 Field Rent – Crapstone £110 Dartmoor Trust – £397.23 Southern Links Training fund (Ringfenced) £1671.87
437/23 | Correspondence:
Nothing Further |
438/23 | BMPC Communications (newsletters, social media, press articles)
The website is live. |
439/23 | Update on Parish paths (P3) and other footpath matters.
Nothing Further at this time. |
440/23 | Highway matters: any to be reported and updates.
Cllr West reported that there is a large pot hole just off the Yelverton Roundabout on the Princetown Road. Highway issues can be reported online at: https://www.devon.gov.uk/roadsandtransport/report-a-problem/ |
441/23 | Items for the next agenda
Please let the clerk have any items.
442/23 | Future Meeting Dates:
The dates for 2024 have been circulated. |
Meeting finished at: 19.55 |