
Minutes of meeting held on 23rd July 2024

Minutes Uploaded on November 13, 2024


on Tuesday 23rd July 2024 at 7.00pm at MILTON COMBE VILLAGE HALL


Present: Cllrs Cheadle, Cunningham, Sheridan, Hart, Coulshaw, Woollacott, Cornthwaite, West and Burnie.

In Attendance:  Katharine Griffiths (Parish Clerk)


The meeting was opened by Cllr A Cunningham (Chair).



209/24 Apologies

Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Baird.

210/24 Declaration of Interests and Register of Interests

No declarations of interests to record.

211/24 To consider co-option


212/24 To consider and approve the minutes, of the following meetings:

a)      The full council meeting held on 25th June 2024

The minutes were accepted as a true record.


213/24 To receive a report from the WDBC Cllrs for this ward

Cllr Cunningham had attended a meet and greet at Pilchards Field, Crapstone for the start of the construction of the new supported living units.

Cllr Cheadle has visited Moorland Garden Nursing home that has recently opened.

214/24 To receive a report from the Devon County Councillor

Not present.

215/24 To discuss the possibility of Twinning the parish.

Cllr Coulshaw raised the suggestion that the parish could be twinned with a similar area in France.

The idea will be looked into further and updated at a future meeting.

216/24 Planning

To re-consider the following application.

DNPA 0283/24 – Change of use of agricultural land to part agricultural and part equestrian use together with the erection of stables /tack room and the formation of a surfaced yard area (all retrospective) and the proposed erection of hay store /welfare space at Land adjacent to Binkham Farm, Dousland Road, Yelverton, PL20 6JH

Two members of the public spoke in favour of the application, one being the applicant.

It was reiterated by the council that there was no objections to the land being used for the grazing of livestock. The objection is with regard to the size and layout of the buildings that have been constructed on the site, that planning permission is now being sought for.

After a discussion the council were not minded to change their decision and it will remain as an objection.




























a)              To agree the payments for July 2024 and note the receipts.

The payments below were agreed, and the receipts noted.


Recipient Amount (ex VAT) VAT (If Applicable) Total (£)
Tavy Turf Yelverton GM

2 cuts 2/7, 16/7

1382 276.40 1658.40
P Harvey – Cemetery Ground Maintenance 1200.00   1200.00
Clearbrook Hall Hire 37.50   37.50
Yelverton Hall Hire 24.00   24.00
ICCM – Membership 100.00   100.00

30% payment for Crapstone Playequipment

18,000 3600 21,600



b)              The following payments made since the last meeting were NOTED.

Recipient Amount £
Tavy Turf 0989 and 0939

BMVH – Hire

Internal Audit

Iclean – Yelv Bus Shelter

A Creber fence/tap/sign

Paul Harvey – Cemetery Maintenance

DALC SLCC training fund









c)                To note the bank reconciliation and receipts.

The bank reconciliation was noted along with the following receipts.


d)              Receipts noted.

Field Rent – Crapstone    £110

Crapstone Playpark Donations. £100

e)                          To agree to delegate spending powers to the clerk and chair for the August regular payments.

This was agreed.



General Purposes:

To consider a tree survey for a number of trees on parish owned land.

In recent high winds there are a number of trees that have dropped large branches, concern has been raised that they could possibly cause injury. It is therefore suggested that a condition survey of a number of trees on parish council land is carried out to ascertain whether precautionary work needs to be carried out.

The clerk will get quotes for the following trees, Western Cedars at the front of the cemetery, the Horse Chestnut on the corner of the cemetery carpark and a large oak by the parish meadow.

To consider purchasing a new battery for Milton Combe Defibrillator

This was agreed.

New Dog Waste bin Clearbrook.

The current dog waste bin there has rusted through and requires replacement. It is well used and by it being out of action is causing a few issues, it therefore requires urgent repalcemtn.

It was agreed the bin would be replaced a suitable replacement will be chosen by Cllr Cunningham and ordered by the clerk. Cllr Cunningham is happy to fit the new one.

218/24 Yelverton:

Grounds Maintenance – any comments or issues to raise.

The area around the toilets has finally been cut.

Cllr Burnie raised ongoing concerns with regard to the visibility splay from the turning from Crapstone onto the A386. It was agreed Cllr Burnie would look into the cutting required to ensure good visibility and provide a suitable map. This can then be incorporated into the new contract for Yelverton ground maintenance due to start April 25.

219/24 Grounds Maintenance. 

Grass cutting contract – any issues to report.

To discuss the Parish Meadow cutting regime.

Cllr Cornthwaite has noticed that the grass in the parish meadow has got very long and is starting to get crushed down by the rain, which will lead to it starting to rot and it won’t be possible to cut later in the year. This is the same for the other two meadow areas.

It is generally looking a mess and the memorial bench cannot be used.

It was discussed about topping the grass that would leave it in a condition to be cut later in the year. It was agreed that the areas would be topped.  The clerk will inform the nature group of what the council have decided.

220/24 Buckland Monachorum Playpark

To consider the quotes and agree the contractor for the replacement swings and accessible entrance.

The clerk discussed the quotes in the absence of Cllr Baird. Quotes have been obtained for both the path and the swings with varying costs.  A grant of £2500 from WDBC has also been offered, with much thanks. The quotes will be circulated and if councillors have any comments then please let the clerk know.

221/24 Crapstone Playpark and recreational area update.

Cllr Coulshaw gave an update on the pond.   The area is doing well and looking good.

The new play equipment has been paid and it is due to be installed in August. It was agreed that Cllr Woollacott and Cllr Sheriden will agree the final locations and sign off the risk assessment.

222/24 To discuss the possibility of a dog walking area within the Crapstone Field.

Cllr Hart provided comprehensive information on creating a chargable dog exercise area within Crapstone Field. Cllr Hart has also carried out a SWAT analysis that has been circulated.

It was generally thought that it was a possibility, but more research was required. Cllr Burnie suggested a survey was carried out as to whether there was interest from the local community for one. Cllr Cheadle suggested a short article in Moorlinks to gauge interest.

223/24 To discuss the possibility of further action regarding the reinstatement of Crapstone Field following building work.

Nothing further has been heard from the contractor with regard to repairs. It was agreed that the required work by HEG Services would continue to be chased. If necessary the work would be carried out by the council and then the contractor charged.

The clerk raised that the resident requiring to carry work to a tree overhanging their garden require access to the field to carry out the work.  It was agreed that the responsibility will lie with the householder and any damage to the field must be rectified. The suggestion of a deposit was also suggested an thought to be a good idea.

224/24 Correspondence: 

Cllr Cheadle has been contacted with regard to advertising on Yelverton Roundabout. After an investigation it  is understood that the land is owned by Maristow Estate but is managed by DCC highways and they have the responsibility for allowing advertising. This can be applied for through their the DCC website. The council currently receive a donation towards the Yelverton grounds maintence in exchange for advertising on the roundabout.

It is thought that there is an agreement from a number of years ago, allowing the advertising.

The agreement will be looked for.

225/24 BMPC Communications (newsletters, social media, press articles)

The website is

Or follow the QR code:

226/24 Highway matters: any to be reported and updates.

The update from the NHO was circulated.

Disappointment was raised that the safety survey for Buckland Monachorum had not been considered further.  The clerk will write to find out if this can be reconsidered and who can carry out a survey if DCC wont. It should also take into account all road users not just children.

227/24 Items for the next agenda

Please let the clerk have any additional items.


228/24 Future Meeting Dates:

Wed 14th August Planning committee at 7.30pm Buckland Monachorum Village Hall

Tuesday 27th August Planning Committee at 7.30pm Clearbrook Village Hall

Meetings will only be held if there are sufficient applications to consider.

  Meeting finished at: 21.24