on Tuesday 24th September 2024 at 7.30pm at CLEARBROOK VILLAGE HALL
Present: Cllrs, Cunningham, Sheridan, Coulshaw, Cornthwaite and West.
In Attendance: Katharine Griffiths (Parish Clerk) and one member of the public.
One member of the public was present and raised their concerns regarding the speed of traffic through Buckland Monachorum village especially delivery drivers and at peak times such as school drop off and pick up.
Also concern was raised with regard to a footpath that is shared by cars.
Cllr Cunningham explained that the speed of traffic was governed by the Highways Act and suggested contacting DCC and Cllr P Sanders. He will also visit the footpath to see if anything can be done.
The meeting was opened by Cllr A Cunningham (Chair).
235/24 | Apologies
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllrs Baird, Cheadle, Hart, Woollacott and Burnie |
236/24 | Declaration of Interests and Register of Interests
No declarations of interests to record. |
237/24 | To consider and approve the minutes, of the following meetings:
a) The full council meeting held on 23rd July 2024 The minutes were accepted as a true record. |
238/24 | To receive a report from the WDBC Cllrs for this ward
Cllr Cunningham gave an update. The new head of Community Services has presented a report saying that they would like to work with Parish Councils with regard to grass cutting contracts and different green schemes including wild meadows. |
239/24 | To receive a report from the Devon County Councillor
Not present. |
240/24 | Planning
To consider the following applications. a) 2750/24/TPO Proposal: T1 & T2: Ash – remove due to dieback. Site Address: Coach House Axtown Lane Yelverton PL20 6BU The application was considered and the council are of a neutral view. b) 2818/24/TCA Proposal: T1: Beech – Crown height reduction by 2m Site Address: Easter Cottage The Village Buckland Monachorum PL20 7LZ The application was considered and the council are of a neutral view. c) To reconsider : 2103/24/FUL Proposal: Proposed siting of an earth bank lined slurry lagoon Site Address: Land At Sx 495 654, Roborough The application was not reconsidered as further information is still required.
a) To agree the payments for September 2024 and note the receipts. The payments below were agreed, and the receipts noted.
b) The following payments made since the last meeting were NOTED.
c) To note the bank reconciliation and receipts. The bank reconciliation was noted along with the following receipts.
d) Receipts noted. Field Rent – Crapstone £110 P3 grant from DCC £1700 e) To note the external audit conclusion of audit. This noted – there were no recommendations. |
242/24 |
General Purposes:
To consider purchasing mapping software that can be used for assets and also ground maintenance contracts. The clerk gave a brief demonstration of the software, it was agreed to purchase Parish Online. |
243/24 | Yelverton:
Grounds Maintenance – any comments or issues to raise. To consider the new contract and any changes required. A few changes have been proposed for the contract. These were run through. It was decided to keep Devon Tors Bank in the contract. The extra visibility splay from Crapstone onto A386 has been added. Further consideration needs to be given to the Crapstone contract. The contracts will both be for 2 years with the option of a third. |
Buckland/Cemetery: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
244/24 | Grounds Maintenance.
Grass cutting contract – any issues to report. Nothing further at this time. |
245/24 | To consider the layout of the extended ashes plots in the middle cemetery.
This was considered, it was decided to draw up a plan and carry forward to the next meeting. |
Playparks: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
246/24 | Buckland Monachorum Playpark
The accessible foot path and swings should be installed in the next few months. |
247/24 | Crapstone Playpark and recreational area update.
a) To consider a request for a net for the football goal. A request has been made for a net to be put on the goal post that is there. This will be looked into, to see if any local groups have a spare one that they could donate. b) To note that the opening of the playpark will now take place on Saturday 26th October. Cllr Coulshaw has this in hand, the Tavy Times will be contacted to see if they are able to attend. |
248/24 | To discuss the possibility of further action regarding the reinstatement of Crapstone Field following building work.
The field will be kept an eye on, to see if further work is required. |
249/24 | Noticeboards – keeping them updated
A gentle reminder for noticeboards to be kept up to date. Any issues please let the clerk know. |
250/24 | Remembrance Sunday
The clerk will order the wreath. Cllr Cheadle will be asked if he would like to lay the wreath. |
251/24 | Correspondence:
To consider a Woodland creation plan consultation – Maristow Farms The proposal has been circulated and was considered to be a good idea. The council raised no objections. |
252/24 | BMPC Communications (newsletters, social media, press articles)
The website is www.bucklandmonachorum-pc.gov.uk Or follow the QR code: |
253/24 | Update on Parish paths (P3) and other footpath matters.
The DCC grant has now been received. If councillors are able to assist with walking the paths, please let Cllr Woollacott know and she will allocate some routes. |
254/24 | Highway matters: any to be reported and updates.
Please report any issues to the clerk or https://www.devon.gov.uk/roadsandtransport/report-a-problem/ |
255/24 | Items for the next agenda
Please let the clerk have any items.
256/24 | Future Meeting Dates:
Wednesday 16th October Planning Committee at 7.30pm Milton Combe Village Hall. Tuesday 29th October Planning Committee at 7.00pm followed by Full Council meeting at Buckland Monachorum Village Hall. Wednesday 13th November Planning Committee at 7.00pm followed by Finance Committee at 7.30pm Yelverton Memorial Hall. |
Meeting finished at: 20.57 |