Minutes of a Meeting of the BUCKLAND MONACHORUM PARISH COUNCIL held
on Tuesday 23rd January at 7.30pm at Clearbrook Community Hall
Present: Cllrs, M Sheridan (Chair), R Cheadle, A Cunningham, S Woollacott, V Hart, A West, K Cornthwaite, J Burnie and G Baird and F Coulshaw.
In Attendance: Katharine Griffiths (Parish Clerk)
The meeting was opened by Cllr M Sheridan (Chair).
12/24 | Apologies
No apologies received. |
13/24 | Declaration of Interests and Register of Interests
No declarations of interests to record. |
14/24 | To consider and approve the minutes, of the following meetings:
To consider and approve the minutes, of the following meeting: a. The parish council meeting held on 19th December 2023 b. The minutes of the planning meeting held on 10th January 2024 c. The minutes of the finance meeting held on 10th January 2024 There was one amendment and one addition to the finance minutes. The addition of ring fencing the funds from the rent for Crapstone Field being ringfenced for possible work required. And Cllr Baird attended the meeting. Other than that the minutes were then agreed as a true record. |
15/24 | To receive a report from the WDBC Cllrs for this ward
Cllrs Cheadle gave an update. The main topic at the moment is the on street parking in Tavistock and other towns locally, there has been much resistance to the scheme. The consultation has now closed and further information will be available when the consultations have been considered by Devon County Council. |
16/24 | To receive a report from the Devon County Councillor
Cllr Sanders was not present. |
17/24 | Planning
To consider the following planning applications. a) 0015/24/HHO Householder application for erection of extension, increase front porch, replacement ground floor side roof, alterations to windows & doors. At Penrose, Crapstone, PL20 7PT Cllr Woollacott has noticed that the site notices are not positioned close to the property, Cllr Cunningham will contact the planning officer with regard to the issue. There were no objections to the development. b) 0055/24/TPO G4 & G5: Copper Beech – x4 stems, crown and lateral reduction by up to 3.5m. Leave trees well balanced, maintain visual amenity and future health. At Ivy Cottage, Buckland Monachorum, PL20 7NL The council have no objections to the tree works. |
18/24 |
Grounds Maintenance – any comments or issues to raise. Nothing to raise at the moment. Thanks was given to Cllr Cheadle for coordinating the repair of St Pauls car park and to all the people and businesses that kindly provided donations to enable the work to be carried out. |
Buckland/Cemetery: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
19/24 | Grounds Maintenance.
The tender is now live for the Buckland Monachorum Cemetery contract. If anyone is aware of a company that would like to tender please signpost them towards the clerk or the new website. The tender time will be extended by a week to the 19th February, due to the GP meeting being rearranged. It was agreed that the Buckland playpark wall will be repaired. |
Playparks: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20/24 | Buckland Monachorum Playpark
Cllr Woollacott commented that a disabled/wheelchair access was a priority. This will be looked into further to find a suitable location for the entrance and possible quotes and discussed at the GP meeting. |
21/24 | Crapstone Playpark and recreational area update.
Cllr Woollacott has circulated information on the proposal for the play area at Seaton Way. It is intended that it will be funded partly by the council, with other funding from S106 (WDBC) and a lottery grant. There is currently a proposed scope for the equipment the specifics will be decided once the final budget has been agreed. Under the Finance Regulations there is also a requirement for the tender to be advertised on the governments Contracts Finder website. It was agreed that the council will apply for the Lottery Grant, the clerk will submitted the relevant application. |
22/24 | Update, concerning the repair to Crapstone Field.
Carried Forward |
26/24 |
a) To agree the payments for January 2024 and note the receipts. The clerk commented that there was one amendment to the payments, the hedge cutting is actually £300 with the VAT. The payments below were agreed, and the receipts noted.
The following payments made since the last meeting were NOTED.
b) To note the bank reconciliation and receipts. The bank reconciliation was noted along with the following receipts. c) Receipts noted. Cemetery: £150 Field Rent – Crapstone £110
To recommend a precept of £66320 for 2024/25. It was resolved that a precept request of £66320.00 would be made for the financial year 2024/25
27/24 | Correspondence:
a. Letter concerning the old post office in Crapstone. The letter was discussed, it was agreed that the council were not in a position to purchase the property and would politely decline the offer to purchase the property. b. Letter from DNPA regarding Parish Link Member. It was noted that the link representative is Philip Sanders, the clerk will forward a list of meetings that they may attend. |
28/24 | BMPC Communications (newsletters, social media, press articles)
The website is live. It is currently not coming up when first searched for. The clerk will see if it can be promoted and for a landing page to be put on the old website. The new website is www.bucklandmonachorum-pc.gov.uk Or follow the QR code: |
29/24 | Update on Parish paths (P3) and other footpath matters.
The paperwork has been received to apply for the P3 grant for next year, the clerk will complete and return to DCC. Work is required to Footpath 6 as the path is being washed away by the brook. This will be added to the GP agenda to be discussed further. |
30/24 | Highway matters: any to be reported and updates.
Cycle path NCN27 will be closed from the 29th Jan for 3 weeks from Clearbrook and Ham Bridge. It was noted that the grit bin at Leg O’Mutton has still not been replaced, despite being assured it was going to be done. The recent newsletter indicates that there is further funding for implementing 20mph zones. Applications are now being invited. Cllr Cheadle and Burnie agreed to submit a bid for Buckland Monachorum as previously a safety assessment has been requested and still hasn’t been done. An application may also be submitted for Crapstone. The clerk will continue to arrange a meeting with the highways officer to discuss on going issues. Highway issues can be reported online at: https://www.devon.gov.uk/roadsandtransport/report-a-problem/ |
31/24 | Items for the next agenda
Please let the clerk have any items.
32/24 | Future Meeting Dates:
It was agreed that the GP meeting will be rescheduled to the 21st February 2024 at Clearbrook Tuesday 27th February: Planning Committee at 7.00pm followed by Full Council at 7.30pm at Yelverton Memorial Hall. |
Meeting finished at: 20.28 |