Minutes of a Meeting of the BUCKLAND MONACHORUM PARISH COUNCIL held
on Tuesday 23rd April at 7.00pm at Clearbrook Community Hall
Present: Cllrs Cheadle, Cunningham, Sheridan, Coulshaw, Woollacott, Cornthwaite, West and Burnie
In Attendance: Katharine Griffiths (Parish Clerk) and DCC Cllr P Sanders
The meeting was opened by Cllr M Sheridan (Chair).
110/24 | Apologies
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllrs Baird and Hart |
111/24 | Declaration of Interests and Register of Interests
No declarations of interests to record. |
112/24 | To consider and approve the minutes, of the following meetings:
a) The parish council meeting held on 26th March 2024 There were two minor amendments, the addition in 95/24 that comparable quotes would be requested and also 103/24 that it will be checked as to whether the barn at Crapstone is covered in the insurance. |
113/24 | To receive a report from the WDBC Cllrs for this ward
Cllr Cheadle gave an update, WDBC are preparing for the Police and Crime Commissioner Elections on 2nd May. Photo id will be required to vote at polling stations. A meeting has been held with Geoffrey Cox. One of the main topics discussed was the poor performance of Airband. Also a question was asked about he possibility of the railway line opening between Tavistock and Plymouth and he a gave a positive response. A range of questions were asked with generally positive responses. The MP for Buckland Monachorum will be changing next election due to the boundary changes. On a planning matter there has been an application for a slurry pit near Milton Combe, unfortunately some of the supporting information had missed one of the properties and due to a number of technical issues has been withdrawn. Cllr Cunningham gave an update with regard to Plymouth and South Devon Freeport which aims to boost the economy. Further information can be found at https://www.southhams.gov.uk/ferry-and-harbour/plymouth-and-south-devon-freeport Also the Overview and Scrutiny board are reevaluating the performance indicators for the Planning department as there was some discrepancy. |
114/24 | To receive a report from the Devon County Councillor
Cllr Sanders gave an update. John Hart the leader of DCC is standing down and the process for finding a successor is being followed. A number of DCC councillors are unlikely to stand at the next election. Denham bridge has been damaged again and is unlikely to be open for the next couple of months. This causes difficulty for the children that attend St Andrews school from the Beer peninsula and also other regular uses of the route. Cllr Sheridan asked whether there was anything that could be done with regard to the bus timetable to enable school children to catch the bus and arrive at St Andrews on time, unfortunately since the earlier start of the school, the bus times have not aligned. It was highlighted the council have difficulty getting a response from the Neighbourhood Highways Officer. Cllr Sanders will help facilitate a meeting as a number of points of concern were raised. Including the speed of traffic entering and leaving Abbey Road, and the lack of road markings. The Council raised the issue of the bus turning circle at Buckland and Milton Combe were raised. There is insufficient room for the bus to turn with cars parked along the verge. This is resulting in the bus having to go over the turning circle and making a mess of it.
115/24 |
Grounds Maintenance – any comments or issues to raise. Yelverton has had its first cut of the year, all seems to be fine. It was noted that some of the workers are not wearing appropriate PPE, this will be raised with the contractor by the clerk. |
116/24 | An update from the meeting to discuss the DCC proposals at Yelverton for a multi-modal hub.
The meeting was very good. The proposal for parking meters and extended parking has been dropped. The other proposals are all very good. These include accessibility to the bus stop/shops by providing dropped kerbs at the entrance crossing point. Increased cycle rack provision, of the same type as are already there, replacing the ones that were recently damaged. Looking at regularising the cycle provisions through the bus and the possibility of a cycle lane. It will be looked into to see if anything can be down to prevent cars entering and going the wrong way. Also the electronic bus timetable will be reinstated with live timings. |
Buckland/Cemetery: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
117/24 | Grounds Maintenance.
The new contractor has carried out the first cut and all is well. A contractor has been asked to carry out the repair to the playpark wall. There has been an issue with the gate into the green burial area, it has swung open and damaged on of the Mulberry trees. It was agreed that the gate can be removed. A new No Dog sign will be put on the Upper Cemetery gate. |
Playparks: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
118/24 | Buckland Monachorum Playpark
Update from the community group and also an update regarding the accessible entrance and swings. Cllr Baird had provided an update to the clerk via email in his absence. It was agreed that the grant from DCC would be applied for to help fund the work for he accessible entrance and the replacement swings. The clerk is getting the information together and will submit in the near future. |
119/24 | Crapstone Playpark and recreational area update.
Cllr Woollacott gave an update. There is a choice of play tower, small medium and large. The details have been circulated to the Crapstone councillors. It was agreed that the best one to go for is the medium size one. Also the swing configuration was also considered, it was agreed that the two sets of swings are separate with the nest swing in the middle. The tender is currently on contract finder. The quotes will be discussed and scored at a GP meeting on the 8th May, it was agreed by the council that delegated powers would be given to the members present at the GP meeting to decide on the preferred contractor and to start making arrangements for the contract. Cllr Sheridan raised that the climbing wall is not much of a challenge and might be better at a steeper angle. |
120/24 | To consider new signage at the playparks with the new email address.
It was agreed that the clerk could arrange for new signs for the playparks. |
121/24 | Update, concerning the repair to Crapstone Field.
As the ground is drying out, the contractor will be reminded of their responsibility to repair the field. |
125/24 |
a) To agree the payments for April 2024 and note the receipts. The payments below were agreed, and the receipts noted.
The following payments made since the last meeting were NOTED.
b) To note the bank reconciliation and receipts. The bank reconciliation was noted along with the following receipts.
c) Receipts noted. Cemetery: £80 Field Rent – Crapstone £110 Precept 1st – £33160 Lotto Fund – £20000 Playpark Inspection reimbursement Yelverton – £106 |
126/24 | Correspondence:
Communication has been received by a resident of Morley Drive regarding a number of issues with the field. These are currently being addressed. |
127/24 | BMPC Communications (newsletters, social media, press articles)
The clerk will ensure the website is up to date. The new website is www.bucklandmonachorum-pc.gov.uk Or follow the QR code: |
128/24 | Update on Parish paths (P3) and other footpath matters.
All is fine at the moment.
129/24 | Highway matters: any to be reported and updates.
Highway issues can be reported online at: https://www.devon.gov.uk/roadsandtransport/report-a-problem/ |
130/24 | Items for the next agenda
Please let the clerk have any items. |
131/24 | Future Meeting Dates:
Saturday 27th April: ANNUAL PARISH MEETING (meeting for parishioners) at 10.30am Yelverton Memorial Hall Wednesday 8th May Planning Committee at 7.00pm followed by Finance/GP at 7.30pm Buckland Monachorum Village Hall Tuesday 28th May Annual Meeting of the Parish Council at 7.00pm Buckland Monachorum Village Hall |
Meeting finished at: 20.47 |