
Minutes for Full Council Meeting held on 27th February 24

Minutes Uploaded on April 17, 2024

Minutes of a Meeting of the BUCKLAND MONACHORUM PARISH COUNCIL held

on Tuesday 27th February at 7.00pm at Yelverton Memorial Hall


Present: Cllrs  A Cunningham, S Woollacott, A West, K Cornthwaite, J Burnie and Frayne Coulshaw.

In Attendance:  Katharine Griffiths (Parish Clerk) and DCC Cllr Sanders


The meeting was opened by Cllr A Cunningham (Vice Chair).



54/24 Apologies

Apologies were received and accepted from Cllrs Baird and Cheadle

55/24 Declaration of Interests and Register of Interests

No declarations of interests to record.

56/24 To consider and approve the minutes, of the following meetings:

a)      The parish council meeting held on 23rd January 2023

The minutes were agreed as a true record.


57/24 To receive a report from the WDBC Cllrs for this ward

Cllrs Cunningham gave an update. Prior to the meeting Cllr Cunningham had circulated information on the Devon and Torbay Devolution Proposal.  It would bring extra funding to the area to provide services at a local level. However this may mean some services would have to be shared, which could potentially bring problems. The Powerpoint information is useful, if there are any questions please ask either WDBC councillor.

Other work recently has involved budget setting for the forth coming year. Also ongoing discussions about the proposed parking meters in Tavistock. There are a number of meetings coming up which will be attended.

58/24 To receive a report from the Devon County Councillor

Cllr Sanders gave the following update.

The ongoing road works in Tavistock are to install a new gas supply for the properties that are being built. Unfortunately, there is nothing further that can be done as all works are required.

Denham Bridge should be open towards the end of this week, with temporary measures to protect the bridge.  There has been some extra funding for repairing pot holes. It is hoped that sections of road will be repaired rather than individual pot holes as individual repairs do not last.

DCC have set their budget for 2024/25 there will be an increase of 4.99% for the precept. News items can be found on

Speeding by the Leg O’Mutton is being investigated, a complaint has been received by a local resident. The road is currently a 60mph road.

Information was shared with regard to changes at Yelverton for Multi-Modal Integration Improvements, this would include installing additional cycle racks, allowing cycles to use the bus lane and allowing all day parking to allow for park and ride. A number of changes would require consultation and traffic orders.  The parish council raised a number of issues with the proposal that will be investigated further. The information is attached at the end of the minutes.

59/24 Planning

To consider the following planning applications.

0405/24/HHO Proposal: Householder application to permit the construction of a single

storey rear extension with a parapet and flat roof. Application to include the addition of a new stone Portico to the east elevation, replacement windows and external doors, and new elevational treatments to the main house. Site Address: Moray House, Road From Covert House To Uphill Farm, Yelverton PL20 6DF

The application was considered and the committee had no objections to the proposal.




Grounds Maintenance – any comments or issues to raise.

Cllr Cornthwaite raised an issue of tyre tracks by the toilets at Yelverton.  Unfortunately scramble bikes have been in the area and have been using the grass as a short cut.

Also the gate onto the moors near Leg O’Mutton needs some repairs. This can be reported to the PROW officer online.

61/24 To consider the consultation for the BT Telephone Box.

The matter was discussed, it was agreed that the mobile signal was sufficient for the phone to be removed. The parish council are not intending on adopting the box.

62/24 Grounds Maintenance.  

Grounds maintenance – to consider a recommendation from the General Purposes Committee for the new ground’s maintenance contract.

The recommendation was put to the full council and agreed by the members present.

63/24 To discuss if there is any outstanding work from the current contractor.

It is believed that the current contractor is up to date with the required work.

64/24 To consider replacing up to 7 Yew trees in the new cemetery hedge.

It was agreed that 7 root ball Yews would be purchased.

65/24 To consider a quote for the repair of the Crapstone bus shelter roof.

The quote obtained was accepted and agreed, the clerk will contact the contractor to carry out the work.

66/24 Buckland Monachorum Playpark

To consider a quote to repair the bench.

The quote obtained was accepted and agreed, the clerk will contact the contractor to carry out the work.

67/24 Crapstone Playpark and recreational area update.

Applications for funding are being made.

68/24 Update, concerning the repair to Crapstone Field.

Carried Forward





































a)              To agree the payments for February 2024 and note the receipts.

The payments below were agreed, and the receipts noted.

Recipient Amount (ex VAT) VAT (If Applicable) Total (£)
Tony Benger – BM Ground Maintenance

Feb invoice

1350.00 270.02


Clearbrook Hall Hire (Feb) 37.50 37.50
Dartmoor Commoners 6.50 6.50
K Parriss (Old website hosting up to May 24) 77.00 77.00
Milton Combe Hall hire 2023 30.00 30.00


The following payments made since the last meeting were NOTED.


Recipient Amount £
Morwellham Sheds – Cemetery Gate

Clearbrook Hall hire

Yelverton Hall Hire

Bank Charges


GB – Laptop battery

Clearbrook hall hire

R Eggins

BM hall hire


Bank Charges


Tony Bengers Jan Payment















b)               To note the bank reconciliation and receipts.

The bank reconciliation was noted along with the following receipts.


c)               Receipts noted.

Cemetery: £570

Field Rent – Crapstone    £110


73/24 Document list and reviews (Cllr Burnie)

A list of documents has been produced and circulated, the clerk will add the dates when they were last reviewed and when they are due to be reviewed again and by whom.

74/24 Correspondence: 

Nothing further

75/24 BMPC Communications (newsletters, social media, press articles)

The Tavistock Times is looking for community stories and to help promote Parish Councils.

If anyone has anything get in touch with the Tavistock Times.

The new website is

Or follow the QR code:

76/24 Update on Parish paths (P3) and other footpath matters.

All is fine at the moment.

Footpath 33 will have some work carried out on it in the near future.

It was noted that the school kindly opened the school grounds to allow access across the village while work was being carried out on footpath 3. The council are very grateful for their assistance and to the community members that facilitated the access through the school.

77/24 Highway matters: any to be reported and updates.

To include correspondence concerning drainage clearance in Buckland Monachorum

The clerk has received an enquiry with regard to arranging clearance of the debris accumulated from the road drains adjacent to Netherton Lodge and Inglendene. It was felt that this was a matter for DCC highways and that the council would not be able to assist further.

Highway issues can be reported online at:

78/24 Items for the next agenda

Buckland Playpark entrance

Please let the clerk have any further items.

79/24 Future Meeting Dates:

Wednesday 13th March: Planning Committee at 7.30pm at Milton Combe VH

Tuesday 26th March: Planning Committee at 7.00pm followed by Full Council at 7.30pm at Milton Combe VH

  Meeting finished at: 20.40